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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 13:19:36 +0000

Re: Dead keys

Andrew Apted wrote:
> Marcus writes:
> >  How do we want to support dead keys?
> >
> >  "sym" is fairly obvious, GIIK_VOID when a dead key is pressed and
> >  then the symbol when the next key is pressed. What about "label"?
> >  People might have both normal and dead versions of the same key,
> >  so we need labels for them.
> No, labels aren't affected.  There is only one label per key (so you can't
> have "normal and dead versions").

Sure you can, it's just a matter of keymapping. (And labels are
of that, on my keyboard (which is a UK I believe) the key to the right
'L' has a ';' label, but nevertheless LibGGI will return
because I use a Swedish keymap.)

> >  It would make most sense to add a GII_KT_DEAD, as it makes it easy
> >  to construct dead keys and doesn't limit us to a few keys.
> Hehehe, it's funny you say that, we used to have it (from linux: KT_DEAD).

I know, but then it wasn't defined what purpose it had in the GII API,
and the code badly needed a cleanup as you know.

> There isn't really a big need for it IMHO, either you know the dead key
> (e.g. DIERESIS) and handle it in a switch() statement, or you don't know
> it and you ignore it.  Hmmm... do _applications_ really want to know ?
> I don't think so.

As mentioned above they'll want to know the label in case there
is another (undead? ;) key with the same label.

> Now, should we add code to e.g. linux-kbd to do dead key processing ?

Yes, that's the last piece missing before LibGII has the best keyboard
handling system in the known universe. ;-)

> It's possible, there is the KDGKBDIACR ioctl for reading the
> accent_table...  I'd say yeah, give it a go if you want to.
> The event sequence would look like this:
>    user action     ev.type     sym         label
>    press dieresis  KeyPress    GIIK_VOID   '.' (for example)
>    release it      KeyRelease  GIIK_VOID   '.'
>    press 'a'       KeyPress    a-umlaut    'a'
>    release it      KeyRelease  a-umlaut    'a'

Yep, this is exactly what I meant, just with the addition that we
need to support dead keys in the label field for some cases.

Don't forget that label is always uppercase, we don't want to confuse
our developers. ;-)

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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