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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 15:24:06 +0200


> exec XGGI $* -noxfreeemu ... -modes 1024x768

> It won't work unless I go to 640x480 for modeline, while X works fine with
> 1024x768. 

You are using the kernel included fbdev - right ? Not kgicon ?

fbdev is not capable to generate modelines on the fly as kgicon.
For fbdev, you have to generate the mode table in /etc/fb.modes.
You use fbset to generate these.

> It also doesn't seem to be using many colors, 

I suppose it defaults to 8 bit depth. 1024x768[C16/16] should help.

> and I cannot move mouse, 

Configure it.

> and I cannot use my win95 keys(104 key keyboard).

? That's odd. In WindowMaker I can use the complete keyboard. The W95 keys
are mapped to a mod? modifier anf "menu". I can easily map them to some
arbitrary WM function.

> I thought I set up mouse in vga.conf file, but apparently I did not.  

Check the entry against your XF86config.

> I have a serial logitech mouseman 3 button mouse.

Make a file ~/.ggi/input/mouse or $prefix/etc/ggi/input/mouse and enter
mouse mman
mdev  /dev/cua?

Try varying the protocol, as Logi mice talk several protocols depending on
the exact version. Test it with inputdump.

> And 104 key keyboard

That should work out of the box. Which version of LibGGI/XGGI do you have
installed ? Beta 2.1 should have fixed the Windows-keys problem.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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