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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 18:35:44 -0400

Re: Riva TNT: Accellerated Mesa drivers !!!

----- Original Message -----
From: Thad Phetteplace <>
> > Ah, great!
> > It works at 800x600.
> > What's particularly interesting about that, though, is that
> > 1024xres * 768yres * 2bytesperpixel * 2buffers = 3,145,728 bytes.
> > You'd think it would work on my 4mb video card.
> > I'd guess that other stuff is using some video memory.
> >
> Yup, that is likely what is happening.  For high speed graphical
> programs, it is not uncommon to use video mem as a scratchpad.  Store
> your images in an off screen visual and then blit them directly
> to screen, its much faster than crossing the bus from main mem to
> video mem.

Yes, it will use leftover memory for textures. I've pushed it right to the
max though -I think if you do not have any memory remaining it will load
textures into its chip-internal texcture cache directly from main memory.

This is why when you set the res higher you don't get a consistant dropoff
with games (As you become fillrate limited)

-David Waite
> Thad

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