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  From: Evan Martin <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 13:26:44 -0700

Re: Riva TNT: Accellerated Mesa drivers !!!

David Waite wrote:
> What resolution were you in? I have heard reports that this version of the
> driver does not work properly in modes other than 15/16 bit (even if you
> have a TNT, blah). Also,  if you are in a resolution too high for your
> britches (800x600 for Riva 128, 1280x1024 I think for the TNT are the
> maxes), you won't have enough memory for the card to make both a Z-Buffer
> and another copy of the window.
Ah, great!
It works at 800x600.
What's particularly interesting about that, though, is that 
1024xres * 768yres * 2bytesperpixel * 2buffers = 3,145,728 bytes.
You'd think it would work on my 4mb video card.
I'd guess that other stuff is using some video memory.

Evan Martin - -

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