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  To  :
  Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 13:20:17 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: Where's the glide target?

> > I guess distribution makers want system administrators to
> > activate _themselves_ the usage of 'self-built' libraries...
> > Adding /usr/local/lib to the default linker path is definitely
> > NOT fool-proof (IMHO).

Why is /usr/local/bin in their default paths, then ?

Waht ever the reason is - IMHO we should add a check for that in the 
"make install" procedure at the very end and print a big fat warning in that
case. For binary distribs in RPM/DEB/whatever format one should set prefix
to /usr anyway, so no problem.

We already have that warnings from libtool while installing the rendering
libs, but those are scrolled off the screen already, when the installation 

CU, ANdy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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