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  From: Ketil Froyn <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 15:30:49 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: ggi acting up solved

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, Andreas Beck wrote:

> Ah ... o.k. - located the code ... Great ... :
>         /* YUCK! There's no way to determine if we are allowed to access
>            the 3DFX hardware, and if we can't we get a segfault here. :-(
>         */
>         grSstQueryBoards(&hwconf);
> So it happens exactly what is to be expected. It looks like the kernel
> driver doesn't let you in, and even if it would, calling iopl() will require
> root privs ... seems like you can't use Glide as non-root ...

But that is the point of /dev/3dfx, no? I thought the deal was that with
/dev/3dfx, you won't need the iopl(), so non-root users can use this...
If not, what's even the point with /dev/3dfx? (Maybe I should ask 3dfx,
not you, but I thought this was how it worked).

BTW: I'm a little slow... can I run xggi on glide if I get the latest
libggi snapshot?

Ketil Froyn
He who Laughs, Lasts.

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