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  From: Ketil Froyn <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 00:17:25 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: ggi acting up solved

On Sun, 27 Jun 1999, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> DirectBuffer means direct access to the framebuffer. This is only
> supported for the Glide target in recent snapshots.

In ggi, xggi or glide? :) Just wondering which one I'm looking forward to
downloading :)

Also, I was wondering about a few other things... Can only root use the
glide target? What about /dev/3dfx? I have it, but demos core dump(!) when
I try to run them as me.
And, I wanted to use my dual screen setup for _something_, so I decided to
try to make it look a little impressive(?) by running a demo on the
VoodooII. When I try in X, a window pops up and nothing happens before I
move the pointer into this window. Then the window places itselt at the
top left corner of the screen, and steals my mouse and keyboard until i
quit the demo (I tried flying_ggis and stars). When I run a demo from the
console, my second screen is blanked when I change consoles. The variable
concerning this in targets.txt is GGI_GLIDE_HALTONSWITCH, which does what
is happening now. 

Ketil Froyn
He who Laughs, Lasts.

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