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  From: Denis Oliver Kropp <>
  To  :,,
  Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 13:09:37 +0200

BeOS rules and blitting stuff


I implemented the accelerated fill_rect in ClanLib BeOS today.

The results for Linux/GGI/FBDev are 23600 rects /5 sec
Under BeOS I get 30000 rects /5 sec  ;-)

I want to implement accelerated put_screen with blits.
The problem is, that I have to "puzzle" the offscreen surfaces into the framebuffer,
because I only can do a blit(x,y,w,h,dx,dy). Is there any method in GGI or BeOS for blitting from
linear sources, so I can put the images into framebuffer with only "one dimensional" fragmentation?

I need a blit( source_address, length, dest_x, dest_y, dest_width )
Or blit( source_address, source_width, source_height, dest_x, dest_y)

Understood my problem?
I think hardware supports that, blits with source_pitch==source_width, but with different
dest_pitch. And I think M$ does this in DirectX.

Denis Oliver Kropp (dok)
+ Fischlustig +

ClanBomber, the kick ass game that uses kick ass Clanlib.

Justice, n.:        A decision in your favor.    

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