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  From: Sven LUTHER <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 17:52:33 +0200

Re: Sure-fire way to detect GGI.

On Thu, Jun 03, 1999 at 04:57:40PM +0200, Andreas Beck wrote:
> > > If ggiInit() and ggiOpen() succeeds LibGGI works, if it
> > I'm writing a multiplatform library. I would prefer to
> > use GGI first and then any other library last. If GGI is
> > not installed, won't GGIInit() bomb out the entire program
> > rather than return an error code? 
> The program will not link at loadtime and thus bomb out.
> LibGGI makes quite some effort to avoid that behaviour for binaries.
> You will at least need some kind of dynamic loading in place
> to avoid this problem at runtime.

what about some libggi_not_there library of some kind, that just provide empty
stubs, and a sure way for detecting that it is not the true ggi ?

like it was done with svgalib to compile stuff on architecture where svgalib was
not supported ?



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