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  From: Isaac Connor <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 20:18:12 -0400 (EDT)

Problems with GII

I recently got a Millenium I, and so have my Fixed freq monitor going.  So
I am trying to run XGGI on it.  The problem I am having is with GII, it
won't take any settings for the mouse.  It ignores Env variables, and the
settings in ~/.ggi/input/mouse and /usr/local/etc/ggi/input/mouse

Setting GGI_DEBUG tells me that no arguments were given (or so it thinks),
and it tries to autodetect, which it does incorrectly.

So, has anyone else had this problem?  Is the error in the docs, or is
this a bug?
This was with the latest cvs checkout degas...

Isaac Connor

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