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  To  :
  Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 11:27:23 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: X multiwindowed game on multiple computers

Hi !

> it uses athena widget set or gtk widget set
> it opens multiple windows
> i have not big enough screen

What about using a virtual window manager ?

> i have multiple computers.

> use XGGI to make bigger screen.
> but XGGI cannot display on remote X target
> (it sais no directbuffer on Xlib target
> and on X target it works but displays black only screen
> it creates BIG network load and won'T accept C-c to kill
> the XGGI program. it must be killed with -9. if a client
> connects to the server the client get's stuck in a
> select(... call.
> )

Yes. The network load is the problem here. XGGI runs in SYNC mode (it's very difficult to find reasonable places in the X server where a Flush() would be
appropriate). You can decrease the network load (and thus get the stuff 
running) as documents in doc/env.txt:

GGI_MANSYNC_FPS - Specify the framerate for targets using mansync to do
                  SYNC mode. The default is 20fps.
                  If you are experiencing problems with the X target over
                  realtively slow remote connections it might be due to
                  connection overload. You might want to try with a lower
                  GGI_MANSYNC_FPS setting.

> there are no other remote GGI targets.

What about the tele target ?

> now i tried some X tools. but i can't find out which ones would
> do the job.

I'd use a virtual screen. Either using the vistual resolution of the X server, or a virtual window manager like fvwm, olvwm, ...

CU, ANdy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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