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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 01:07:42 +1000

Re: GGI and mono displays

Jacek Konieczny writes:

>  I have two coputers at home - one with SVGA and one wit Hercules.
>  The Hercules is very nice even fo X (xevil is cool), but most apps
>  (games) would like more than 2 color.
>  Then I tried "trueemu" - it should solve my problems (but probably is
>  slow), but it crashed with "INTERNAL ERROR".

Truecolor emulation is not supported on 1 bit modes.  It's a pretty
funny idea, trying to emulate 16 million colours with just 2, yeah ?

>  But flying_ggis work with "palemu" target although they shouldn't.
>  However they are not perfect - it seems dots are drawn only every 4/8
>  pixels.

Various bits of code which handle 1 bit modes (especially in palemu)
probably haven't been tested for a long time, and may be broken.  There
is not much interest in it these days.

One program that should always work is the one simply called `demo'.
Have you tried that one ?

>  I think trueemu should be fixed, as 2-colors targets are those which
>  need dithering most.

If there were 127 hours in the day (C'mon Andy, we need 'em ! :->), 
I would merge the palemu and trueemu into one big target that could
emulate anything on anything (using a dirty-rectangles method for
reasonable speed), ooh yeah it would support DirectBuffer too.
Unfortunately I don't have the time to hack on that.

                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>      \/

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