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  From: Jacek Konieczny <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 16:46:07 +0200

GGI and mono displays

I have two coputers at home - one with SVGA and one wit Hercules.
The Hercules is very nice even fo X (xevil is cool), but most apps
(games) would like more than 2 color.
I thought GGI might help (for GGI and svgalib programs).
The first thing I tried was Quake (I know it is silly idea) - but it
wouldn't work as the machine lacks swap-space. Remotely it won't work
neither - this time it is GGI/svgalib-wrapper problem.
So I tried GGI demos. In fact I have tried two of them, which mostly
worked on other targets - flying_ggis and stars.
Only the second worked.
Then I tried "trueemu" - it should solve my problems (but probably is
slow), but it crashed with "INTERNAL ERROR".
But flying_ggis work with "palemu" target although they shouldn't.
However they are not perfect - it seems dots are drawn only every 4/8

I think trueemu should be fixed, as 2-colors targets are those which
need dithering most.

Maybe then (and after I buy a hard-drive) I could play quake on my local net :-)

!      ,  !            Jacek Konieczny, Gliwice, Poland            !      
! Jajcus  !   email:,   !
!         ! ICQ# 7149127                           WWW: none (yet) !

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