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  From: Rodolphe Ortalo <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 17:38:07 +0200

Re: Job offers: what I have been doing for the past year.

Emmanuel Marty wrote:
> Revelation #2 :) we have hired our fearful GGI leader,
> Andreas Beck, to work on this project as well.

Project sounds nice, and that's nice to have hired
Andreas... Nice to meet yet a new OS inventor. ;-)

> Revelation #3
> room, and sunny south france, 5 km away from the beach,

Revelation #3.2 : Unfortuntaly, the guys of this city spend
too much time on the beach and don't know to play rugby.
Furthermore, typically, that's the second fanciest town
in that area... but of course, they won't agree.

May I ask a question (just to try to motivate yet-another-
revelation): why do mention this facts just right now ?
Is there some competition somewhere? ;-)


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