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  From: Tristan Wibberley <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:32:26 +0100

Re: speed question

On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 10:06:59PM +0000, Marcus Sundberg wrote:
> Tristan Wibberley wrote:
> > There must be some serious security concerns with that. Not just from
> > deliberate attacks, but from buggy, transparent window using apps that
> > can *see* what's going on underneath?
> What security? The security in X is in restricting who's allowed
> to connect to the X server.
> Once you are connected you can read screen contents, write screen
> contents, send events, steal events or peek at events without anyone
> noticing.

Security isn't just about protecting your system against malicious
attacks, it includes accidents. X should at least have a *way* to
guarantee that the contents of particular windows will only ever be
copied to your screen under *any* circumstances, accidental or
otherwise. People often have private information that buffer
overflows (eg in an IRC client) should not be able to expose in any

Imagine if I was talking to a client on IRC, they were giving me some
info so I could retrieve some data and encrypt it for them. While I'm
retreiving that data, I would like to be able to guarantee that only
trusted apps can get a snapshot of the window. As it is, I'd have to
ask for the info in email, request more via email, etc, and I'd have
to do that with an xterm.

Tristan Wibberley

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