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  From: Aaron Van Couwenberghe <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 01:19:53 -0700

Re: speed question

On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 01:07:14AM +0200, Andreas Beck wrote:
> AFAIK the idea is, that they can _not_ see it. If I got the berlin
> philosophy right, it's quite like the apps running on the sides of the GGI
> cube. They can _NOT_ see their background, as they consider themselves
> running on some visual that happens to be a window (which they more-or-less
> don't know), which happens to be rendered semitransparent, which is again
> done without their assistance - right ?

a berlin application is given access to nothing but a 'region', which to
itself is the entire display. The app then proceeds to draw all over this
'region' with the Warsaw API, which re-maps the calls back into a pluggable
windowing mechanism that actually takes care of placement.
  One cool advantage of this (whether it be useful or not) is that berlin
widgets (which are the same class of citizen as a window) can have linear
transformations arbirarily applied to them.

So, right, in berlin a widget (which might be a window widget) will never be
able to see events that another window is listening to (although it itself
may be able to listen for them as well), the calls another window is making,
the contents of another window.... each 'graphic' operates on its own
private axis which is translated meaningfully inside the display server.

..Aaron Van Couwenberghe...
	Debian GNU/Linux:

There are three kinds of people in this world: those who can count and
	those who can't.

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