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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 01:07:14 +0200

Re: speed question

> > it, then draws your text on that.  X isn't really capable of real
> > tranparency (notice if you move an [aeg]term over another window, you
> > don't see that window below it).  Berlin on the other hand... :)

> There must be some serious security concerns with that. Not just from 
> deliberate attacks, but from buggy, transparent window using apps that 
> can *see* what's going on underneath?

AFAIK the idea is, that they can _not_ see it. If I got the berlin
philosophy right, it's quite like the apps running on the sides of the GGI
cube. They can _NOT_ see their background, as they consider themselves
running on some visual that happens to be a window (which they more-or-less
don't know), which happens to be rendered semitransparent, which is again
done without their assistance - right ?

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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