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  From: Aki M Laukkanen <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 10:33:51 +0300 (EET DST)

Re: RFC: Integration of HERMES with LibGGI

> Putting the hook in ggi/stubs.c is wrong, because it will override
> accelerated crossblits.

Oh yes, forgot about those.

> I'd like to see some benchmarks before putting the code in, and also

I'm trying to do some benchmarks today. 

> timings of the ggiSetPalette() overhead. In any case the current

It's not much I think because it just calculates the 256 entry lookup
table which is done currently in ggiCrossBlit() for the 8->16/24/32 bit

> _ggi_set_hermes_palette() implementation is unacceptable because
> it will crawl for apps which set one color at a time.

Yes, it'll have to change and there's some code missing for the
GT_GREYSCALE case (have to emulate it as a palette based mode). Btw. 
does anything use that?

> Also, how big is the compiled hermes library, and where can I find
> the source?

libc5 and gcc
-rwxr-xr-x   1 amlaukka tkol        85251 Jun 16 19:18*

(Interesting, it grew by 2 KB when I tried to strip --strip-debug it.)

and source etc. at:


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