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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 12:48:06 +1000

Re: beta2.0b2.1 fixes

Aki M Laukkanen writes:

>  o vesafb does not support panning and hence not multiple frames.
Which kernel is that ?  I'm fairly sure that vesafb does support
panning, just that in certain kernel versions it is buggy (like here in
2.1.126 it causes a segfault).  If I remember correctly, there is a
special kernel command line (something like "vesafb=scroll") that
enables it.

>  +	if (!priv->orig_fix.ypanstep && mode->frames > 1) {
>  +		mode->frames = 1;
>  		err = -1;
>  	}

Are you sure that is the correct fix ?  To me that says: "if the
_original_ mode cannot do panning, then the future one cannot as well",
which I don't think is right in the general case (I must admit I've
forgotten all the subtleties of the fbdev API -- anyone know if they
have written a good API docco on it yet ?).

                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>      \/

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