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  From: Thad Phetteplace <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 01:14:40 -0500 (CDT)

Re: FW: [Mesa-dev] nVidia releases open source driver

> The news hasn't made it to this list yet, so I'll post it. nVidia has
> released the source to their 2D and 3D driver on their website. This is
> a driver for Mesa. You can find the details here:
> It will be great to get another line of hardware well supported under Linux!

I was tempted to mention it myself, but decided to leave it up to someone
else.  :-)  I've downloaded the driver source but have not looked at it
yet (probably be a few weeks before I get the time).  I will now likely
run out and buy an nVidia card this weekend, if for no other reason than
to support this awesomely cool action on their part (and having kickass
3D on my linux box doesn't hurt either).  Glad I dragged my feet on buying
a Voodoo card.

So I assume we will ransack these drivers and add support into libggi3d?


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