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  From: Rodolphe Ortalo <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:58:33 +0200

Re: libGGI on matroxfb with Mystique

Marcus Sundberg wrote:
> Peter Amstutz wrote:
> > Does libggi2d do sprites even in software yet?
> You can not do sprites in software.

Why do you insist on that Marcus? You can not
move sprites, but, at least, a software lib could
draw them, no ? (This corresponds to using a
pixel-precision mask, unless I'm mistaken.)

Maybe glyphs that cannot be moved around do not
deserve the 'sprites' denomination, but wouldn't
it be useful to have a draw-only thing ? (With
{fb,main}memory management, hw-accel. drawing, etc.)

Of course, it may not be worth a specific API as one
can already achieve something similar using a virtual
area and conventional blitting...


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