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  To  :
  Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 09:40:54 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: GII nitpicks

> > 2) There should be an evPtrButtonRepeat event.  For two reasons.
> Yes, this should be added when we have an input driver that generates
> repeat events for mouse buttons.

IMHO we should rather start to move the mouse drivers to be valuator/key
devices just like joysticks are and autoload the mouse translator module.

The evPtr stuff is IMHO a relic of old apps expecting a separated Mouse and
Keyboard and nothing else. The concept of only having keys and valuators
is much nicer IMHO.

> > Under what normal (app, not library) circumstances would one call
> > g(g|i)iInit() more than once?
> There is no reason to call them more than once, it's just allowed
> for convenience.

This is intended for wrappers, helper libs, extensions, whatever. Say you 
for some reason have a program that uses LibGGI directly _and_ a lib
that uses LibGGI internally either for output or e.g. to generate gifs using
a file target. Then both would call ggiInit and exit at their entry/exit
points, and we would get a double-cleanup, if this counting behaviour 
wouldn't be there.

> > Also, is there a standard way to tell
> > an input driver to switch to using valuator events and drop the
> > prefab Ptr events, JOOC?
> No. Such things should be handled by separate filters, or ideally
> you should use LibGIC.

As I said above, it would be a good idea to have everything report valuators 
(especially as one can query their properties) and have a filter do the
translation. Adding valuators to the mouse filter should be just as 
trivial as adding a "donteatoriginalevent" flag which might be 
convenient sometimes.

CU, Andy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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