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  From: Brian S. Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:48:23 -0400 (EDT)

Re: KGIcon 0.9 pre-alpha released

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> > This should even allow to link all subdrivers statically and do the binding
> > with /proc... I have to think about this in detail.
> 	Yes, we need to plan this out.  In fact the binding probably _will_
> be static for the first Savage4 KGI driver beta. 

It's very encouraging seeing "the grand scheme" coalesce again, especially when
it's our two best kernel hackers talking.  :)  Unfortunately, I've lost my 
notes from when I was trying to do this using evstacks.  Never got far, but I 
wish I could find the file that described the interface I was striving towards.

One of the best features of this idea (IMO) was that you could potentially 
throw more than one monitor driver into the fray for PCs that switch monitors
regularly, such that you could make your apps only use modes that work
on all monitors.

This also ties in sweetly with adding sprite/BOB/texture support to 
libGGI (or an extension thereof).  Maybe Marcus and Andy could prioritize
banging out the specs for this so that after I get done moving an
obscene amount of large heavy objects into, out of, and around my apartment I
can tear into it?

Brian S. Julin
"I love it when a plan comes together."
       -- That white haired boss-type-guy on the A-Team, whetever his name was.

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