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  Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 00:58:18 -0400 (EDT)

First ggi project, need help

Greetings to the list,

I'm working on a NeXt toolkit for ggi.  This is my frist real gfx
programming project, I'm much better at network and threaded code.  =/

I wondering why my ggi visual is blinking.  You see I decompress a jpeg
and load it on the visual.  After loading, I write pixel by pixel out the
the visual.  Then, I BoxGet that image into a buffer.  To draw the image
agian I do BoxPut on the buffer.

I draw a "desktop" then draw other images like my "docks" over that...
then after all the artifacts are drawn I call a Flush().  I'm redrawing
all the images by PutBox each loop to clear old artifacts like the pointer

How can it get it to stop blinking?  It blinks mostly on the top with one 
flush per loop.  If I remove the flush or add more it blinks worse.

In allegro ( I done the project in dos a long time ago ) I called vsync().
I really don't understand all this bliting and buffer types.

Also how is the best way to impelement transparences and animation?
I can't use my ggi buffered images for these without drawing pixel by
pixel. ( slow )

Point me to something or give me suggestions please.  =)
FYI the ggi api docs weren't very helpful for me.  The only reason I was
able to do it in Allegro was due to "plain talk" api docs.

The code is all C++, with only the libjpeg called as extern C.  This makes
it slower I feel but it shouldn't make it blink due to slow function



    Alita is running linux 2.2.9 w/ DoS fix

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