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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  : GGI mailing list <>
  Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 19:50:41 -0700 (PDT)

Massive GGIMesa update

	First, all GGIMesa development has been moved to the experimental-1
Mesa CVS branch because that branch has been autoconfed by Thomas Tanner. 
This has resulted in such a dramatic improvement in my ability to make
GGIMesa work like other GGI extension libs that I cannot do without it.  In
the three days since I switched to the experimental-1 branch, I have been
able to implement essentially every GGIMesa feature I wanted.  Thomas, you
are a saint.  You saved my life.

	Anyway, the new stuff is as follows:

* Everything has been autoconf'ed as previously mentioned.  All the hardcoded
defaults should be gone, and all libs are built with libtool.

* The display/ subsystem is up and running, finally.  The only display target
right now is display-fbdev-mesa, which is just a shell that loads the APIs
(generic-stubs-mesa, generic-linear-xx-mesa, etc) properly.  The lack of
proper API management within the display target is the reason why I was
having that problem with the generic APIs overloading the Savage4 accelerated
API, and that is fixed too.

* The default/ subsystem has been overhauled and extended.  The generic-*
APIs are pretty much unchanged, but a new genkgi API has been added which
more or less serves the same function as the LibGGI genkgi API - to handle
the KGIcon API as an extension of the fbdev target.  Under genkgi we also
have another level of extension, the 3D accelerated driver targets. 
Currently savage4/ is the only one, but it should be a snap to add targets
for any other 3D accelerated KGI driver.  Card-specific acceleration
helperlibs can also be attached directly underneath the fbdev target itself,
as the LibGGI fbdev target does for the fbdev MGA drivers.

	I just have a little cleanup work to do, and I'll be pretty much done
with the GGIMesa upgrade.  If the autconf stuff makes it into the stable tree
for Mesa 3.1, so will all the new GGIMesa stuff.  If not, I'll distribute
tarballs/binaries myself to anyone who wants them until the next stable Mesa
release comes out.


'Cloning and the reprogramming of DNA is the first serious step in 
becoming one with God.'
	- Scientist G. Richard Seed

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