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  From: Brian S. Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 17:09:20 -0400 (EDT)

At the risk of being preachy

I just got done finishing my backlog of e-mail from various
lists, and since I bothered to actually read some threads which
I wasn't really interested, I couldn't help but notice from this
detached perspective that while (for the most part) people are 
very polite, in quite a number of the exchanges people were 
missing each other's points because they were underestimating 
the person they were talking to.  Maybe it's just the language 
barrier, being the diversity on every list I am subscribed to 
has increased so much over the past year or so, but I think we 
could do all afford a little more pondering before answering 
questions or arguments as to what the other person meant 
before jumping to the conclusion that they "do not understand" 
some basic concept because often they do, just their point is
stated a little bit obscurely or in the wrong terms.  Yes we 
have a lot of newbies here now, but even a good portion of the 
newbies are fairly literate in the subject matter.

I don't know why I bothered to post this comment, especially to
this, one of the better lists, but it just struck me as a trend 
that we would be better off without.


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