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  From: Brian S. Julin <>
  To  : Scandella Florian <>
  Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 15:24:43 -0400 (EDT)

Re: kgi-0.9 Bugs

On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Scandella Florian wrote:

> *First it doesn't detect my /dev/ttyS0 

KGI has currently nothing to do with rs232 ports, unless Steffen added
support recently, which I doubt he has since he hasn't been working
on input code lately.  This is indicative of a rather funky smelling bug.

> *I can switch console with M-[F1,F2,...] , also in X.

"Feature", not bug.  It will stay this way until parameters are added
to allow the system administrator to decide what keys cannot be 
taken away from the console system.

> *On installing kgi I had to copy ( symlink ) the include dirs (
> kgi-0.9/lib/ggi/include, kgi-0.9/kgi/Linux/include/[kgi,kii] ) and the
> source directory ( kgi-0.9/kgi/Linux/src -> linux/driver/kgi ).

If you had to link these by hand, then the kernel patch probably failed,

find linux/ -name \*.rej and fix the failed hunks.

> How does GGI use kgi with the boot driver ? ( for VGA modi ? )

It doesn't.  The boot driver is just a console system.  You need a 
full driver for GGI.


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