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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 03:26:09 +0200


David Cougle <> wrote:
> The thing is, all I have is a library).

> # mouse Microsoft	# Microsoft
> # mouse MouseSystems	# Mouse Systems
> mouse MMSeries	# Logitech MM Series

Are you sure, that this is the correct entry ? I.e. does Mouse work right in
SVGAlib ?

I had a lot of Logitech mice, and most of them ran either as Microsoft or
Mousesystem mice (or PS/2 for the busmouse), but none yet as MMSeries or
Logitech or MouseMan.

> # mdev /dev/ttyS0 # mouse is at /dev/ttyS0

It might be a good idea to set that explicitly.

I take it your mouse works fine in X. Please send me the relevant section of
your /etc/XF86Config (Section Pointer) and I'll send you an appropriate
/~.ggi/input/mouse entry.

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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