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  From: Steffen Seeger <>
  To  : KGI mailing list <>
  Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 13:27:38 +0200 (CEST)


Hello everyone,

the kgi-0.9-990607 snapshot is available from
If you like to test it, please fetch the whole tar,gz and extract it 
into a fresh kgi-0.9 tree. Directory structures have changed, so to 
have a consistent version you need to extract it into an new tree.

What's new?

	- somewhat self-consistent drivers are included. 

	  Please look at kgi-0.9/drivers/ and subdirectories:


	  I have done a complete overhaul (again), in order to prepare 
	  us for UDI later on. The benefit of this all is, that we can
	  (in theory) support statically linked systems multiheaded now.

	  This driver tree is still not operational, as the card and system
	  driver is missing. I hope to get this working. 

	  Anyhow, the drivers themselves are consistent and have the
	  structure/coding techniques __final__ for kgi-0.9. Anyone who
	  wants to write a kgi-0.9 driver, please go ahead and start to
	  look at the PERMEDIA sample driver.

	- to build the sample driver, install as stated in README.install
	  and the go to the directory drivers/graphic and type 'make'

What's not new?

	- the keyboard driver patches are still not in. Sorry, but the 
	  driver stuff has eaten up all my development time.

What can you help with?

	- Send me Monitor spec files for your monitors. (Fill out
	  the monitor/new-monitor) template and send it to me.

	- How about automating this process, e.g. through a nice Web-form?

	- If you want to write/port a KGI driver, make yourself familiar with
	  the current code and let me know what you want to work on.

	- ask if you don't understand things in there.


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