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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 12:50:18 +1000

Re: hacking methods to find out bugs

Christoph Egger writes:

>  Which hacking methods are known to find the bugs?

strace can be handy. 

Or run in X and use gdb (hacking libgg so that it doesn't catch SIGSEGV
and prevent a core dump).

"weird" bugs are _always_ the worst. Stack corruption is one that is
very nasty -- I once debugged a stack corruption problem, detecting it
by setting a local variable of some procedure (higher than the buggy
one) to a known value and checking it at various places.

Another weird thing that can happen is when a structure contains an
#ifdef..#endif, and two piece of code (e.g. client & library) get the
different versions (because of different compiling flags).  Lost some
hair from that one, let me tell ya ;-).

                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>      \/

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