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  To  : GGI-Mailing-Liste <>
  Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 17:42:13 -0400 (EDT)

Re: hacking methods to find out bugs

Are you sure you're casting the data correctly then?  You mentioned you
shifted to void* from some_struct* type.  There could be a mistake in
casting ( like a typo ) where you're casting void* to some_sturct to

I'm tring to be helpful.  See my halo?   0 =)

I'm still working on my simple gui toolkit for ggi, and will be doing
shifts from buffer to buffer to improve performance greatly for my
translucent drawing.  (Thanks Tony for the idea, I guess I'll write a
shifter for each ggi pixel type.)  I'll post it when I'm sure it's ready.
I'm loading all image formats into my pixel type now, since I haven't got
ggi pixel sampling figured out yet.  =(  It draws perfect this way however
and unlike the ggi pixels the 16bpp color palette isn't compressed or
deformed.  I guess I need to untar ggi srouce and see how it's done in the
lib... and perhaps hack my code to let you include ggilib's source for
subsampling to make sure it works the same version to version.

I guess now would be the time to ask if anyone here ever wanted to work on
a Masters of Magic clone for linux. I'm planning on using 16bpp default
color depth and translucent effects. I feel translucent drawing adds a lot
to civ games, as you can layer moving fog and ghosts over ghosts over the
grasss on the battlefield.  It sure beats boring transparency.  It'll be
"perty".  =) 


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