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  From: Brian S. Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 21:35:31 -0400 (EDT)

New release of GGI:: (Perl5 XS modules)

Another ALPHA release, but I propbably won't do any more
work on them until I have some feedback from users.  
This adds the missing palette/pixel/color functionality
so it should be relatively usable.

Note there are a couple incompatible changes to the GGI::Pixel
class (sorry).

GGI:: Changes file:

	- figured out isa() and replaced the braindead ref() ~= m// stuff
        - What the hey -- made CrossBlit work for vline/hline/pixel as well.
        - GGI now a subclass of GII modules (GII modules now required)
	- Added GGI::Color class
	- Changed GGI::Pixel class to a more basic functionality,
	  see Pixel/Changes

GGI::Pixel:: Changes file:

        - Old "size" method moved to "pixsize", "size" now refers to
          the number of pixels.
        - auto-allocation behavior removed; will return in 
          GGI::Pixel::Auto class.
        - class now doubles as "ggi_pixelformat" interface

GGI:: TODO list:

1)  ggiOpen varargs processing.  If possible, make ggiOpen callable
with no parameters and as such equivalent to ggiOpen(NULL).  If possible,
figure out how to type the remaining parameters after display, or change
to pairs of type/value.  If possible figure out how to pass arbitrary
number of arguments in.

2) Add auto-reallocing classes GGI::Color::Auto and GGI::Pixel::Auto,
and add new methods for more sophisticated map/pack usage.

3) Hook the missing API functions.

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