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  From: Kien Pham <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 00:45:12 -0700 (PDT)

Re: Got to be a faster way.

--- Club Neon <> wrote:

> I was under the impression this was a "General Graphics"
> libary.  So there
> are plenty of really nice funtions, where I can just
> write one routine to
> handle any graphics mode and bit depth.  I don't have to
> worry about
> palletes or the layout frame buffer.  
> Doesn't that sound "non-optimal"?
How about creating a memory target visual in your format
then crossblitting the image to the true visual and then
the box into a raw memory buffer? Then successive draws
only require puts? Not exactly a great way, but it's better
than nothing for now? We can call it a "hack." :P
> continue to use
> libGGI, I'll probally even end up writing
The great thing about GGI is the ability for anyone to
extensions. If you don't like something, write an extension
to take advantage of the raw hardware or targets. The
to GGI is pretty simple to understand too. A lot of other
code i.e. [put your most hated pachage name here] is hard
to follow through because of all the
MACROS and all the other mess.
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