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  From: Thad Phetteplace <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 21:17:36 -0500 (CDT)

Re: Display Target Problem

> 	Have you rebuilt and reinstalled LibGGI?

Yes.  This is a totally new RedHat 6.0 installation.  I downloaded the
latest GGI snapshot and recompiled and reinstalled the entire beast.  There
is no older install that could be conflicting with it.

> 1. Build and install a kernel with framebuffer devices.
> 2. Either use one of the video drivers that comes with the kernel or build
> a KGIcon driver for your card if one is available. 
> 3. Build and install the fbset tool whick is in degas/kgicon/util/fbset, 
> which will also create the /dev/fb[n] device nodes.

This is basically the process I was expecting.  The stock kernel DOES
appear to have framebuffer support compiled in, and the /dev/fb0 etc
devide nodes DO exist... but I'll try recompiling the kernel just to
be certain.  I am also willing to try compiling a KGIcon driver... does
one exist for the STB Velocity 128?  Thanks for the advice.  I'll hammer
away at this for a while longer before I come crying to the list again.


P.S.  I am sooooo close to releasing the alpha version of my game API.

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