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  From: Christoph Egger <>
  To  : Brian S. Julin <>
  Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 16:09:43 +0200 (MEST)

Re: Got to be a faster way.

On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, Brian S. Julin wrote:

> On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, Christoph Egger wrote:
> > Any comments?
> > Is that worth to integrate it into libggi or libggi2d?
> No, but it would be worth starting a ggiColor extension that 
> does various optimal palettes, with functions like this:
> ggiOptimalRGBFill(
> 	ggi_visual vis,
> 	int red_weight, int green_weight, int_blue_weight, 
> 	int s, int len, ggi_color *buf);
> ggiOptimalBlend(
> 	ggi_visual vis,
> 	ggi_color *start, ggi_color *end, 
> 	int len, ggi_color *buf);
> Those would be useful not only for paletted modes, to get the best
> looking color swaths for the visual's pixelformat after ggiMapColor
> (and if paletted ggiSetPalette) is called using the resulting colors.
> Variants that automatically set the palette and return pixels instead
> of colors would be nice, too, plus functions to calculate the best
> color space/palette to display a particular image with.  Of course, it all 
> doesn't have to be done at once.
> But wait about a week and I should have the automated scripts
> for generating extensions done, that will make things much easier.
> --
> Brian

OK - in my 3DToolKit-library are many things, which isn't really 3d like
the whole color-management. 

The generate_332_palette is only one of many. There are also
routines, which creates light- and transluences-tables to make
lighting-effects faster... and colordepth-conversion-routines of course

I am looking for to moving it out to ggi.
The ggiColor extension you suggest is an ideal way todo it. I will assist
you as good as I can.

I think I should move bitmap loading routines out too (iff/pbm, pcx, tga
including RLE compression, Windows-bmp and OS/2-bmp).

But first I must fix some bugs... grrr... but I don't know where I should
begin to start searching... :-(
I have a config-utility to enable/disable features, to "enable/disable"
bugs, which allows me continueing with coding :)
But now I restructured the including-system, but since that, the screen is
blank, so that the config-utility is worthless... :-(
Would you help me?

Christoph Egger

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