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  From: James Simmons <>
  To  : ggi-develop <>
  Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 09:44:25 -0400 (EDT)

GLUT and ggi


   Long time. Well I toke a break off for a few weeks form kernel hacking
top work on Mesa-GGI. Jon great work. One thing tell the mesa guys to go
over the vector code. Its kill my programs. I can send you specific bugs
if you want to pass them onto the Mesa group. Whats the deal with GLUT by
the way? Still having problems with the copyright? Well I hacked it up to
work with ggi. Now keys like page up and that work and I can get modifier
keys but normal keys are not deteched such as pressing 'a'. I attached the
code for you to look at. When you call ggiOpen you create more than one
visual. In this case I can modify glutCreateWindow. I will also modify it
so you can change the mode with this function call. Also can you filter
ggi_events to tell the if the event came from a joystick or mouse. This
way I can impliment glutJoystick. Thanks.


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