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  From: Ketil Froyn <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 13:21:30 +0200 (MET DST)

tile target?

How do I set the modes on the children?
I tried 
ggix :0 -targets

ggix :0 -targets "tile:0,0,1152,864,(fbdev):0,0,800,600,(glide)"

The top one was really a shot in the dark, cos the bottom one fails
silently, even with GGI_DISPLAY=255. Do I have to set the modes
beforehand? If so, how do I set the glide target to 800x600x16?

And I saw in the docs that DB'd tiles are not accelled. I guess that
really rules this out as a usable option, but I'd like to try anyway. Is
there any possibility of this being included in the future?

Also, there's still the problem of dragging a window from one screen to
the other. When I try, the window pops up on the other side of the
original screen instead of on the other screen. Is this only possible with
the tile-target also? If so, why do both displays need to have the same

Lastly, I was wondering if I can set interlaced modes on the Voodoo2.

Ketil Froyn
The angle of the dangle is proportional to the heat of the meat.

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