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  From: Chris Dion <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 12:02:40 -0300

newbie question

Hello all,

Firstly, I'd be posting this to, but as far as I can
tell, it's a dead list.  I recieved a subscription confirmation message
from but my mail to the list itself
bounced.  Anyone know more about this?

I'm a linux newbie (*groan*) so I'm not sure if this is a ggi related
problem or not, and I'm not sure exactly what information you'll need to
help me.

I'm running debian linux (kernel 2.2.1) with framebuffer support
compiled into the kernel (and working, I can see the logo :).  My video
card is a Diamond Viper 770.

I've writen a very simple program to test the ggi mode negotiation code,
using a visual created for "display-fbdev".  When I run the code
however, I get and error something like:  "display-fbdev: can't locate

I assume this stands for keyboard daemon.  Is this something that should
be running when I boot?  When I do a 'ps x a', I don't see 'kbd'
anywhere in the list of running processes.  Or is this an issue of ggi
not knowing where the 'kbd' is, and just needing a config file updated?

I'd appreciate any help, even 'read this' or 'get the man pages for
that'. : )

Thanks a million,

Chris Dion

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