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  From: Brian S. Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 22:50:19 -0400 (EDT)

2nd prerelease: EXTENSION HOWTO and EHelper

I finally got things kludged together enough to do a prerelease.
The below package contains an SGML copy of the EXTENSION HOWTO,
and the somewhat-less-now-but-still-sperlgetti-coded EHelper 
automatic extension generation utility.  Should all work as documented.

For the SGML/jade/dssl deficient, the HOWTO is browsable at

Only three problems.  One was a weird thing where the extension's 
test demo program came up with all the -lggi symbols undefined.
This would happen seeminly at random, either during make, during
make install, or even after make install when running the program.
If it happens to anyone who tries it please report.  Maybe my 
build environment's hosed, or it might have had something to
do with having a shell open with cwd demos when I removed/created
the tree.  Weird and confusing.

Second, targets with a private data structure installed 
segfault in GGIdlcleanup.  No clue why.  Looks identical
to how libedemo does it.

Third, for some reason for extension foobar under X, which
was my test environment, "display-x-foobar" gets loaded
before "generic-linear-8" and "generic-stubs", which makes
it kinda hard to overload the generic-* libraries... 
the latter two are loaded in the right order so that stubs
is overloaded by linear-8.  My guess is this has nothing
to do with the foobar extension's code though...

Marcus and Andy, especially, please have a look.  Would like
to commit this someplace in the CVS tree soon.


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