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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 10:20:28 +0200

Re: mouse problems with latest release

> This wasn't really as hard as I'd thought. What happens is that only the
> second window on the screen I point at gets focus, and after that the
> current screen works fine. I didn't realize, cos I only had time to open
> one window on each screen before I had to complain a little ;>

Seems to be an enligthenment error. I had tested with fvwm2 on the sides of
the cube and it worked fine.

> When I start xggi, 2 windowmanagers start. Is that normal multihead
> behaviour? 

Yes. XGGI behaves more or less like one server with multiple root windows.
You can explicitly address the two windows using :0.1

> I thought it would all be just like one wide ass screen, or one
> tall screen if i set -rows 1 or whatever If it were like that, my gnome
> panel would cover both screens too, no? (when they are next to each other,
> not on top of each other).

To achieve that, you just need to use the tile-target. Note, that you will
have to set some option I don't remember quite now to turn on DirectBuffer 
support in the tile target. That will also give you just one screen, which
should solve your WM-troubles.

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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