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  From: Eric , Yu-En Lue <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 14:04:24 +0800 (CST)

Concepts for the Term : Visual

Hihi ..
	Sorry , I would like to ask a question on the

	The concepts on Visual described in the Manual
	is "Simply something you can draw on".

	After reading the declaration of the ggi_visual_t
	in internal/structs.h , it seems to be some kind 
	of "device context" specifying the gamma , frame
	buffer currently used , colormap ...etc.

	The mentioned "it can be an X-Window" is done
	by using multiple visuals representing multiple

	The main functions of visual is still a full screen
	buffer ... Am I right ??

	It's also mentioned that the visual can be a memory
	space , can we dynamically move the memory frame??

	Sincerely ,

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