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  From: Michael Gersten <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 27 Jul 99 18:30 PDT

Help needed installing GGI/GII

I need help getting GGI/GII to install.

I have RH 6.0
GGI 2.0b2.1
GII 0.6

3600+ free blocks of disk space.

I have installed GII. I can check /usr/local, and see everything in there.
I have edited /etc/ to include /usr/local/lib.
I have run ldconfig

GGI insists that it cannot find ggi/gii.h, and that giiInit is not found
in -lgii.

I cannot even begin to play with this currently.
After reading the mailing lists, I tried running, but it didn't help.

Ideas? Anyone?

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