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  From: Andreas Beck <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 00:04:11 +0200

Re: Xblit 1 -> 16 on X

Hi !

> i wanted to draw a connection between Freetype and GGI. As we all know,
> Freetype render its letters into a bitmap (display-memory).
> the easiest way to transform this bitmap into a real picture is 
> xblitting it to the visual:
> ggiGetMode(memvis,&m);
> ggiCrossBlit(memvis,0,0,m.virt.x,m.virt.y,vis,0,0);
> right ?

Yes. looks good.

> sadly the crossblit displays nothing. ( 1 -> 16bpp on X)

Strange. Maybe we have a bug there.

> am i doing something wrong or is no x-blit 1->16 available ??

O.K. - check the following out:

1. What happens if you ggiGetPixel through the 1BPP visual ? Does it show
two different values (should be 0 and 1) ? If not, something is wrong with
the getpixel routine thus screwing the XBlit.

2. If 1. works, check what UnmapPixel does to it. It might be, that that
1BPP mode is considered to be palletized thus turning out to have two kinds
of black called 0 and 1.

3. If both 1. and 2. work right, send me the code. I'll try to track it,

If it's 1. failing we need to hunt the bug down. If it's 2. we should think
about giving a reasonable default palette, especially on memvisuals.

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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