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  To  :
  Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 20:39:47 -0500 (CDT)

beta 2.1 bug report


I just grabbed libggi beta 2.1 and tried to compile it... I am using Linux
without kgi.  The build failed on one of the utilities -- monitest.  I
realize that monitest isn't even supposed to build when kgi isn't there...
but shouldn't the build system skip it then?  For the record, everything
works fine... just the false failure because I don't have <kgi/kgi.h> when
building the monitor testing program.

I can try to fix this, but I'm pretty bad with autoconf, so most likely
someone else could fix it in a tenth of the time it'd take me to read and
understand the build system enough to do so.

Chris Smith <>

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