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  From: Christoph Egger <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 18:42:26 +0200 (MEST)

Re: Mouse pointer extension: request for API :)

Hi all!

Here are my suggestions for an API:

Please give comments!!

/* show_mouse:
 *	Tells GGI to display a mouse pointer on the visual. The mouse
 *	pointer will be drawn onto the specified visual. To hide the mouse
 *	pointer, call show_mouse(NULL). 
void show_mouse(ggi_visual_t vis);

/* position_mouse:
 *	Moves the mouse to the specified screen position. It is safe to call
 *	even when a mouse pointer is being displayed.
void position_mouse(int x, int y);

/* set_mouse_range:
 *	Sets the area of the screen within which the mouse can move. Pass the
 *	top left corner and the bottom right corner (inclusive). If you don't
 *	call this function the range defaults to the whole screen.
void set_mouse_range(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);

/* set_mouse_speed:
 *	Sets the mouse speed. Larger values of xspeed and yspeed represent
 *	slower mouse movement: the default for both is 2.
void set_mouse_speed(int xspeed, int yspeed);

/* set_mouse_sprite:
 *	You don't like GGI's default mouse pointer? No problem. Use this
 *	function to supply an alternative of your own. If you change the
 *	pointer and then want to get GGI's default lovely arrow back
 *	again, call set_mouse_sprite(NULL).
void set_mouse_sprite(ggi_visual_t sprite);

/* set_mouse_sprite_focus:
 *	The mouse focus is the bit of the pointer that represents the actual
 *	mouse position, ie. the (mouse_x, mouse_y) position. By default this is
 *	the top left corner of the arrow, but if you are using a different
 *	mouse pointer you might need to alter it.
void set_mouse_sprite_focus(int x, int y);

/* get_mouse_mickeys:
 *	Measures how far the mouse has moved since the last call to this
 *	function. The mouse will continue to generate movement mickeys even
 *	when it reaches the edge of the screen, so this form of input can
 *	be useful for games that require an infinite range of mouse
 *	movement.
void get_mouse_mickeys(int *mickeyx, int *mickeyy);


Christoph Egger

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