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  From: Johannes Hirche <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 16:10:45 +0200 (MEST)

TNT-kgi probs (again?)

I think this was addressed sometime earlier already, but I don't recall,
if there was a cure.

I have a elsa erazorII (TNT) in my dual pii. 
Recently I grabbed a cvs-snapshot, and tried to install it.

The basic ggi-stuff works fine. When I tried to use the kgi-module I
experience weird things.
After inserting the module (with colors set to 8 bit) i get a console with
screwed, barely readable characters. Then when I insert the module again
(after renaming it (I recalled that so. did this, too)), and remove it, it
actually works...
Well, at least kind of... when i try to use /proc, (type ps or sth.) the
kernel oopses, and becomes somehow unstable... (It's no big surprise,
inserting twice the same module...)

Kernel was some 2.2 (The one a patch existed for). I think 2.2.5...

Greetings Johannes

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