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  To  :
  Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 13:03:22 +0800 (CST)

Some newbie questions

	I am new to libGGI. There's some things I don't understand ,
	I guess this information is not available on the website/doc

	1.What does it mean by libGGI with a X target ?
	  Does that mean I can open a X-window with any X-server
	  and then , the libGGI acts like a 2D library on the
	  opened window(canvas?)??

	2.The KGIcon is used for systems have no X-server ,
 	  Is it used as some kind of device driver for VGA cards?

	3.Is there any compiled available packages on Redhat 6 ?

	Sorry for broken English , please tell me where to find related
	docs or codes ...

	Thanks a lot!

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