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  From: Jim Ursetto <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 14:02:56 -0500

Re: rendering text with a font

At 10:20 AM on 1999 July 14, Kien Pham did write:

> --- Bert Hobbs <> wrote:
> > I've spent some time looking at GGI.  About the only information I've
> > found on rendering text with a font was a mention of libgfont. I

> The only VERY usable super/good/excellent/fun and portable
> text rendering library is FreeType.
> It will render to anything that has "pixmaps" or "bitmaps."

libgfont can use freetype as a renderer, but the current implementation is
quite limited.  However, extending the support is probably preferable to
rewriting from scratch.  I did a little hacking on libgfont several months
ago to get it to work with nixterm, but the changes were unpolished and
probably not useful.  Anyway, I think the libgfont author (Marcus or
Andrew) recommended it be rewritten as an extension or dynamic library
or somesuch (not up on all the terminology ;)   I'm interested in that, but
I don't currently have the time.

Jim Ursetto        | timepresentandtimepastarebothperhapspresen   | s                               -t.s.eliot 
             e38   | apemitnideniatnocerutufemitdnaerutufemitni

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