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  From: Christian Reiniger <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 23:16:03 +0200

Re: PenguinPlay still alive? Where are those C++ GGI wrappers?

Kien Pham wrote:

>> > Subject says it all. :)

(1) PenguinPlay is alive ...
(2) ... although the website doesn't suggest that. We seem to have really
bad luck with webmasters over here :(
(3) The 2D part works. It doesn't cover the entire libggi functionality
yet, but it works. Development is slow and the system isn't as shiny as it
could be yet.

>That site had not been updated since April 11, 1999. I'm 

Correction: I updated something just a few minutes ago ;)
(nothing serious though). Someone else is working at a complete rebuild of
the site, we'll see if and when he finishes this (he's quite new to
PPlay...). In any case, bringing the site up to date is my top priority now.

>wondering if the code is useable since several Betas
>of GGI have been released. Is there some sort of Alpha

If you're satisfied with little documentation I can upload a snapshot to
our ftp space...


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