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  From: Paananen Osmo <>
  To  : Brian Julin <>
  Date: Fri, 03 Jul 1998 00:02:33 +0300

Re: Multiheaded Linux

> > Do I need two identical cards to get multiheaded?  
> Right now sort of but not really -- easier to just write a driver that 
> handles multiple displays than coordinate between drivers, so support 
> will probably be better for this scenario.  However some developers 
> have gotten different drivers working together already as there's support
> in KGI manager for this.  Multi-adaptor use will be the sugar to encourage
> people to try KGI-manager/EvStacks.

So going multiheaded right now (excluding MDA) is really messy and requires 
rewriting of the drivers?

GGI is going to support multiheaded displays in the future with less pain, 
isn't it?

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